제목02-21-2023 양성우 [영문]2023-02-21 09:12

[QT 1]

The reason Paul gave long sermons late into the night to those who were tired after working hard all day was because he believed that only the Word could make them strong. The young man Eutychus also longed for listening to the Word and listened to long sermons until late at night. I will also yearn for the Word more, so I will do my best not to fall into meetings to listen to the Word. However, Eutychus, who was sitting on the third-floor window and listening to the Word, could not overcome his drowsiness and fell from the window and died, but God saved him through Paul. In particular, the fact that he was revived on the day of the Lord's Supper on the 'first day after the Sabbath', that is, on the 'Sunday', shows the death and resurrection of the saints who were united in the death and resurrection of Jesus in this event. The power of the Lord who rose from the dead came upon the dead Eutychus and gave him life. As a result, many people received great comfort, and Eutychus (meaning happy) became a truly happy person. If I were united with the resurrected Jesus Christ, I know that I am the happiest person and I will live in that happiness today.  

[QT 2]

Jesus is the Lord of resurrection who can raise even the dead. Paul believed that the power of the Lord's resurrection can work for those who believe in the Lord. So, while sitting across the window and listening to Paul's long sermon, he held Eutychus, who fell from the window and died from sleepiness, and proclaimed, toward the people in the community who were oppressed by the spirit of death "don't be alarmed, life is in him he's alive!" They meditated on the existence of God through the miracle of Eutychus' resurrection, and that night they broke bread in honor of Jesus' resurrection and experienced the deep presence of Jesus throughout the night, sharing words of grace and testifying with great joy. And they are comforted. In the name of Jesus Christ, who is the life of resurrection, we proclaim and pray that the life and power of Jesus Christ will appear and work of healing and restoration will occur also in our church’s patients. 

(자동등록방지 숫자를 입력해 주세요)

우리 교회는 매일 아침 묵상 QT 나눔을 통해서 주님과 함께 24시간 동행하며 말씀 안에서 행복한 하루 하루를 살아갑니다.

영적 성장에 가장 큰 힘은 말씀 묵상 QT 입니다.
왜냐하면 하나님의 음성을 직접듣고 하나님과 교제하는 시간이기 때문입니다.

말씀 묵상 QT의 시간은 경건의 능력이며 하나님과 친밀한 관계를 갖는 것이기에 매일 아침 합니다.
기독교는 종교가 아니라 하나님과 나와의 관계입니다.
모든 종교는 행위에 초점을 맞추고 있지만, 기독교는 하나님과 나와의 관계에 맞추고 있습니다.
예수님을 믿고 영접하면 하나님의 자녀가 됩니다.
하나님의 자녀에게 주어진 특권은 하나님과 직접 사랑의 교제를 나누는 축복입니다.
하나님은 말씀으로 자녀 된 우리에게 다가오셔서 말씀을 하시기에 그 말씀을 통해 하나님의 음성을 듣고 자녀인 우리는 기도로 하나님께 대답하며 교제를 합니다.
매일 아침 하나님과 교제가 깊어질수록 아름다운 관계는 지속되고 큰 축복을 누릴 수 있습니다.
말씀과 기도로 주님과 개인적으로 만나고 대화하며 교제하는 시간이 바로 묵상의 시간, QT (Quiet Time)입니다.

▸아주 많이 사용되는 Q.T 방법 중에 PRESS 방법이라는 것이 있습니다.

•P : Pray for a moment (잠깐 기도하십시오)
•R : Read His Word (말씀을 읽으십시오)
•E : Examine His Word (말씀을 관찰/묵상하십시오)
•S : Say back to God (주신 말씀을 가지고 다시 기도하십시오)
•S : Share with others what you have found (받은 은혜를 다른 사람과 나누십시오)
